
Begin the New Year with a Fresh, Clean Start

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Happy New Year 2020, Dear Friends!

By Click&Clean -Updated: Wednesday, 1 January 2020. Many thanks to all of you for your support and contributions during this outgoing year 2019! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends.

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In coming year 2020, we wish you success, prosperity, and joy. We hope your days are filled with cheer and happiness. The new year is always a great time for a fresh, clean start.

Start a New Security Journey with Click&Clean in 2020
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Start a New Security Journey with Click&Clean

Here are a few handy tips for keeping your online browsing safe and secure in 2020:

Use a private data cleaner every day! This is one of the most important things you can do to stay safe and secure while browsing the web. Daily use of Click&Clean, the #1 cleaner app for Chrome, helps you limit how much data you allow to be collected about you on the web and protects your security and privacy online.

Clear your browsing data regularly! Your Google web browser history is like a real map of where you go on the web, when you've been there, and for what purpose. It allows sites to track and follow you around the web. Malware that has access to your browsing data can use your credentials for its own mercenary purposes. Additionally, maintaining a large amount of browsing data can eventually slow your web browser. If your security is at risk, Click&Clean notification informs you and lets you know what actions you can take.

Always keep your browser updated! Using an updated browser is very important because every new Chrome update provide security fixes, improvements, and protection to combat all different sorts of security threats. If you use a web browser that is out-of-date, you risk having your computer compromised by fraudsters. The critical notifications from Click&Clean inform you when a new version of Chrome is available, and the "Browser Update Scanner" tool allows you to update your browser immediately.

Prevent third-party apps from accessing your accounts! During 2019, there was plenty of reasons to worry about data protection, from the Facebook Cambridge Analytica data-sharing scandal to Google Plus data leaks, which eventually led to the closure of the service for consumers. In 2020, it will be very important to check which apps and sites you have gaven permission to access your Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, and LinkedIn accounts. If you find that an app or a site has no real reason to access your private data or has full access to your data, then immediately remove its access to your account.

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